neděle 3. srpna 2014

Secret Scene

length: 1:42

It's Mikey versus the elements. Watch Mikey's fire making skills...a work in progress.


Transcript by James Barber: (text in blue is czech translation)

(Alexis and Kathy try to work on the fire) 

Mikey B (solo): The fire was out. We had to start from scratch. Kathy got it going with Alexis and then I jumped in to help with the fire and we were just removing a couple pieces of bamboo that were not quite burning as good as we would have liked. And all of a sudden I was on fire. The bamboo hit something in the fire pit, the coals went flying. I brushed one off, then I put my hand down and was like, "Whoo!" Then I was like, "Whoa!" I had one on my head. (touches his head) I was like, "Wow!" I had one on my shorts, burnt through my shorts. I had one on my butt. I just got up and went and just ran into the ocean and just dove in. 

Byl vyhaslý oheň. Museli jsme ho rozdělat úplně od začátku. Kathy ho rozdělala s Alexis a potom jsem jim přišel na pomoc a odstraňovali jsme pár kousků bambusu, které nehořely tak dobře, jak bychom chtěli. A najednou jsem byl v ohni. Bambus udeřil do něčeho v ohništi, odlétly uhlíky. Jeden jsem odstranil, pak jsem dal ruku dolů a bylo to, "Whoo!" Poté, "Whoa!" Měl jsem jeden na mé hlavě. Byl jsem, "Páni!" Měl jsem jeden na svých kraťasech, úplně je to propálilo. Měl jsem jeden na zadku. Vstal jsem a prostě jsem běžel do oceánu a potopil se.

(Mikey runs into the ocean and returns with a few burn holes in his shorts) 

Joel: What did you burn yourself? 

Co sis popálil?

Mikey: A bunch of embers just went flying on me.

Letěla na mě hromada uhlíků.

Joel: But I mean what...Oh yeah. Your shorts are all burned up. 

Ale já myslím co... Oh, jo. Tvoje kraťasy jsou celé propálené.

(Mikey pulls down his shorts slightly) 

Mikey: It just burnt through. I think I just burnt my ass. (checks his ass) Oh my God, I did. 

Propálily se. Myslím, že jsem si spálil zadek. Pane Bože, ano.

Joel: You did...bad? 


(Mikey turns around to show them his pixelated backside) 

Joel: Oh geez...oh yeah. (closeup of a burn mark on his cheek) Come here. 

Ach Bože... oh jo. Pojď sem.

Joel (solo): Mikey's kind of his own worst enemy. I don't know what he was doing with the fire, but he goes running into the water, pulling at the back of his shorts because he got an ember in his shorts and burned his butt really bad. 

Mikey je sám sobě nejhorším nepřítelem. Nevím, co dělal s ohněm, ale běží do vody a má žhavý uhlík v kraťasech a ten mu popálil zadek opravdu hodně.

Joel: That's got to heal. Bad burn bro. That's not like a blister burn. That thing burned the top of your skin off. 

To se musí zahojit. Je to špatné popálení. To není popálení, ze kterého je puchýř. Popálilo ti to horní část kůže.

Mikey: (amused) I'll tell will NEVER see me camping again. EVER. 

Říkám ti... NIKDY mě už neuvidíš znovu kempovat. NIKDY.

Mikey (solo): Another part of the island, kicking my ass. That's all it is. 

Další část ostrova mi nakopala zadek. To se stalo.

(Mikey laughs) 

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