Transcript: (of the original preview by BlindFreddy - in this videos is only a few words more, nothing important) (blue text is czech translation)
JP: Well things are certainly different around camp now. We don’t have the big Grizzly bear anymore. James is starting to step up in this next episode. In some ways he starts to get along with some people better than others. And in others, he’s at odds with them. He’s definitely emerging and his personality is coming out a little more. And that tends to happen at this point in the game.
No, teď je to v táboře určitě jiné. Už tam nemáme velkého Grizzly medvěda. V příští epizodě se začne zintenzivňovat James. Určitým způsobem začne vycházet s některými lidmi lépe, než s jinými. A s těmi jinými je v rozporu. Jeho osobnost určitě vychází najevo o trochu víc. A to se má stát v tomhle bodě hry.
James(from video clip, singing ludly at camp sleepers): Good morning, good morning...I’ve come to say good morning.
JP: We also do a challenge that’s one of my favorites, which is: Survivors are given the option to participate in the Immunity Challenge or skip the challenge and eat. It is always a telling point when we use this challenge because it let’s you know who thinks they are so safe that they really don’t need Immunity. And it never ever fails to backfire on at least one person.
If you want to see pictures from original preview they are here.
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