pondělí 7. července 2014

Week 7 Preview

Not original preview - not seen any shots, but at least seen what Jeff Probst saying.


Jeff: Alright, the hidden immunity idols are now in play. And for the complicate that you can't be entirely sure that you don't have the idol. Because it was hidden in plain sight, it could be a ??, it could be a pot. It opens up the oppurtunities for somebody that think they have the idol, but not have it. And there's also the complications of how do you keep the idol hidden? Because it was something that was in plain sight, so people might notice that is now missing.
There is also a big twist that is about to rock the game and Survivors don't see it coming. And why that twist happens little they know it, but it seeds of a challenge are happening around them and later, they'll be quiz on something that they hopefully were paying attention to and from our point of view hopenfully they were not. I think you'll like it.

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