středa 30. července 2014

Week 3 Preview

Jeff Probst Preview of episode 3 from Survivor Micronesia



Jeff: Well, last week we saw that Ozzy and Amanda are full-on couple and Parvati and James are appear to be a couple as well. There’s two big potential alliances, especially when they merge together. When it’s going on now with the Favorites is who have Cirie in the middle. There’s 4 people and 4 people. Where is Cirie get in doubt. And she is deciding vote, which puts her in a very interesting position in a way which way she goes. It could become a power flame to her, it could put her on a ??.
Cirie: You keep doing *missed it* and you will not get my vote.
Also, Exile Island comes into play again. And two more people are sent and once again, there’s this crazy scenario of there is one idol and one set a ?? we have two people looking for it. Sooner or later that idol is gonna pay off and when it does, it’s gonna be waved (?).
Hope you’ll enjoy it. Week 3 of Survivor: Fans vs Favorites.

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