Joel falls back on his firefighter skills, coming to Kathy's aid as she collapses.
Transcript by James Barber: (text in blue is czech translation)
(Day 12; Kathy is disoriented in the shelter)
Natalie: She's sick, she's vomiting, she's dry heaving. She's been diarrheaing for three days. She's had pure diarrhea for three days.
Je nemocná, zvrací, má suché zvedání. Má průjem tři dny. Tři dny má čistý průjem.
Joel: She's very dehydrated.
Je velmi dehydrovaná.
Natalie: She's very dehydrated, she's weak, she can't throw up, she's dry heaving. (Alexis, Joel, and Chet look concerned) She's emotionally wrecked.
Je velmi dehydrovaná, je slabá, nemůže zvracet, má suché zvedání. Je emocionálně zničená.
(Joel hugs Kathy)
Joel: Your health is more important.
Tvoje zdraví je důležitější.
Kathy (weeping onto his shoulder): I know, cause I can barely stand up right now.
Já vím, protože teď můžu sotva stát.
Alexis (comforting Kathy): Let's sit down.
Sedni si.
Joel: Put her legs over her head. Just lie down somewhere.
Dejte ji nohy přes hlavu. Jen si někde lehni.
Kathy: Can I lie down in my hut? (Alexis and Joel encourage Kathy as she goes to rest)
Můžu si lehnout do mého přístřešku?
Joel (solo): I don't particularly care for Kathy as a person, but as a firefighter, I care for people on a professional level, so I became Joel the firefighter rather than Joel the Survior contestant.
Já se nestarám o Kathy jako člověk, ale jako hasič, starám se o lidi na profesionální úrovni, takže jsem se stal Joel hasič místo Joela soutěžícího Kdo přežije.
(Joel crawls into the hut beside Kathy)
Joel: You'll probably get a little nauseous. The room may start spinning on you. Just take nice, slow, deep breaths. (to the people outside) Have we got another bag or something? Coconut, anything?
Bude ti trochu nevolno. Místnost se může začít kolem tebe točit. Jen dělej pěkné, pomalé, hluboké dechy. Máme další tašku nebo něco? Kokos, cokoliv?
Kathy: God, the room is spinning.
Bože, místnost se točí.
Joel: Well, you've had the diarrhea, and you've been dry heaving, and we haven't had any water in about two days, so you're very dehydrated and you're not a large person to begin with, so holler if you get really, really worse or you think you're gonna pass out, OK? (Kathy agrees and thanks him)
No, měla jsi průjem a měla jsi suché zvedání a neměli jsme vodu poslední dva dny, takže jsi dehydrovaná a nejsi pro začátek velká, takže křič, pokud se to opravdu, opravdu zhorší nebo si budeš myslet, že omdlíš, ano?
Joel (solo): I felt her. She was kind of cool and clammy, but you never know with someone like Kathy.
Cítil jsem jí. Byla taková chladná a vlhká, ale s někým jako je Kathy nikdy nevíte.
(Kathy gets out of the shelter and tries to walk, but collapses. She begins weeping and apologizes to everyone as they stare nervously.)
Kathy: I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I'm just so weak and dizzy.
Moc se omlouvám. Omlouvám se. Jsem hodně slabá a mám závratě.
Joel: I'll just make it easy for you. (picks her up and carries her)
Zjednodším ti to.
Joel (solo): We've been carrying Kathy as a tribe for as long as we've been here. I literally carried her today to the boat to go to challenge and I will not do it again. If she cannot walk on her own and will not walk on her own, then she will be taken out of here and sent home. Period.
Nosili jsme Kathy, dokud jsme byli tady. Dneska jsem ji doslova odnesl do lodi, aby mohla jít na výzvu a znovu to už neudělám. Pokud nemůže jít sama a nepůjde sama, pak půjde pryč ze hry. Tečka.
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