Chet finds comfort from home while tending to Malakal's chickens.
Transcript by James Barber: (text in blue is czech translation)
Chet (leaning
over the chicken coop): Too early yet, huh? You'll start singing
Chet (solo): I've always liked chickens. I've had a special bond with chickens pretty much all my life.
Vždycky jsem měl rád slepice. Měl jsem speciální pouto se slepicemi skoro celý můj život.
Chet (to the chickens): You've got food, you've got water. Did you get wet last night?
Máte jídlo, máte vodu. Byly jste včera v noci mokré?
Chet (different solo interview): Just hearing the sounds is very soothing to me. Just knowing they're over there. Taking care of their food and their water. It's something I would be doing back home if I were back there.
Jenom poslouchat ty zvuky je pro mě velmi uklidňující. Prostě vím, že jsou tam. Starat se o jejich jídlo a vodu. Je to něco, co bych dělal doma, kdybych tam byl.
Chet: I'll clean your coop out later. It's kind of nice, a little bit of home here on the island. It's kind of like a visitor or a loved one.
Uklidím vám později kurník. Je to takové milé mít tady na ostrově trochu domova. Je to něco jako návštěvník nebo milovaný.
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