Joel methodically took out his biggest threats in the game, artfully blindsiding them. Does he think he got what he deserved? oel methodically took out his biggest threats in the game, artfully blindsiding them. Does he think he got what he deserved?
Transcript by James Barber:
"Some of the things I take with me as far as what I learned about myself I think will help me in my social interaction back when I get home. I think one of the things, this morning I think I kind of realized I don't like the fast-paced city life. I like a little bit slower pace that I've had out here. I don't think I have to give into the fast-paced city life even though I live in a fast-paced city."
"I came to play the game with logic, primarily. To look at how numbers would affect the final outcome. But people I was playing with were often times making their decisions based on emotion. Where that became a fault on my side was the inability to tap into that emotional drive that they were being driven by."
"There's things that from day one on the Airai tribe I didn't try to convince to trust me. I didn't try to convince anybody to be loyal to me. I just tried to tell them things that if they went and thought about it, it made sense. Everybody I talked to, that I formed an alliance with, that's what I told them. 'I'm not asking you to make a decision, I'm not asking you to commit to anything, just think about this.' A-B-C-D, and I laid it out and let me know tonight if you agree. All I'm doing is trying to make a decision that makes sense for all of us."
"Personalities are interesting. How people view themselves. Probably partially how I view myself. Just learning about people and their experiences or lack thereof and how that plays into being tossed into an island with no provisions and how you respond to that. It's interesting to me."
"The adrenaline rush is definitely something that you wait for. At least me, you sit there and you've had a couple coconuts and you've been building the shelter or doing whatever all day long and you're pretty drained. But then you get treemail and your energy comes back. My energy comes back. Some people's it doesn't. For me the energy comes back and you suck it up and you reach for every last bit that you have to try to win. That's the other thing -- some people have no desire to win."
"I learned that I'm comfortable with who I am. Whether or not somebody acts or thinks the way I do I don't really have a desire to change that. I kind of knew that about myself before I came, but I think a lot of the interaction with the people here reinforced it. I'm comfortable with who I am. I don't think that makes me a better person than other people, it just makes me me. I'm very comfortable with me."
"I don't have a desire to be more emotional. I don't have a desire to make more decisions based on emotions. I don't. I think the way I think and the way that I reason and the way that I act works fairly well for me in this game and in the real world. I was voted out fifth but I'm very pleased with the way I played and the decisions I made. Other people shouldn't be."
"I think technology has weakened American society. I think cell phones and text messaging and e-mails and Internet and all this innovative stuff has made people less personable, has hindered their abilities to interact with one another in a real way, and has ultimately weakened people to become so reliant on thing that are built to make our life easier that we forget and have forgotten, a lot of us, what it's like to work with our hands, what it's like to sweat, what it's like to bleed, what it's like to feel pain and exhaustion. I think that has made a fair amount of society weak."
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