With his game seemingly over, Erik, the lone Fan on Malakal, begs to stay in the game as an honorary Jury member.
Transcript by James Barber: (text in blue is czech translation)
is near the shelter with Cirie, Ami, and Amanda)
Erik: I have a good idea I was gonna tell all of you guys. My idea is if the jury's seven, which we're all assuming it is, this is the last spot that wouldn't make the jury. What I know is, I'm assuming I'm on the chopping block tonight, that's fine. I didn't think I'd come this far at all. I totally didn't think I would. I'd like it if I could be an honorary jury member, I wouldn't get a vote, but I could stay and watch.
Erik: I have a good idea I was gonna tell all of you guys. My idea is if the jury's seven, which we're all assuming it is, this is the last spot that wouldn't make the jury. What I know is, I'm assuming I'm on the chopping block tonight, that's fine. I didn't think I'd come this far at all. I totally didn't think I would. I'd like it if I could be an honorary jury member, I wouldn't get a vote, but I could stay and watch.
Amanda (solo): We get back from the immunity challenge and Erik says he has this really bright idea. He says, "I'm going to tell Jeff I'm an honorary member." He's really upset for not making the jury. The jury could start tonight, I don't know.
Vrátili jsme se z výzvy o imunitu a Erik říká, že má opravdu skvělý nápad. Říká, "Řeknu Jeffovi, že jsem čestný člen." Je opravdu naštvaný, že se nedostane do poroty. Porota by mohla začít už dnes, nevím.
Erik: I know the rules are strict on this, I know the rules are really tight on this...(the ladies say it's not up to them) It could be, if I stand up and say you all agree to this. If everybody says yeah, I can stay, I think they will have to...(Amanda says they will go along with him) I want to and I want you guys to stand by me when that happens.
Vím, že ohledně tohoto jsou pravidla přísná, vím, že jsou ohledně tohoto pravidla těsná... (to nezáleží na nás) Mohlo by, když se postavím a řeknu, že s tím všichni souhlasíte. Když všichni řeknete ano, můžu zůstat, myslím, že budou muset... (No, jdeme do toho s tebou) Chci to a chci, abyste stáli při mně, až se to stane.
Amanda (solo): I guess we're going to petition tonight to let Erik stand in Tribal Councils for the rest of the time here or something. (makes a confused face)
Asi dnes podáme petici, aby Erik mohl stát na Kmenové radě, aby mohl zůstat dál ve hře nebo co.
Erik: That's my good idea.
To je můj dobrý nápad.
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