The Favorites at Malakal celebrate winning chickens at the Reward Challenge. Watch as they do the chicken dance and fantasize about the many ways to cook their new pets.
Transcript by James Barber: (text in blue is czech translation)
and James carry the chicken coop back from the challenge)
Jonathan: You're going to your new home, boys and girls.
Jonathan: You're going to your new home, boys and girls.
Eliza: Good job guys.
Dobrá práce.
(Cirie and Jonathan coo over the chickens)
Jonathan (solo): We just won three chickens and a rooster. We got feed. There's nothing like victory to pull a tribe together. The mood in the camp is a lot better than it was before.
Právě jsme vyhráli tři slepice a kohouta. Máme jídlo. Není nic jiného, než vítězství, co sjednotí kmen dohromady. Nálada v táboře je teď o hodně lepší, než byla předtím.
Cirie: One is Gloria, one is Charlie. (Parvati says she wants to rename one "Juanita").
Tahle je Gloria, tahle je Charlie. (Parvati – chci přejmenovat Juanitu.)
James (pointing the machete at each chicken): That's Fried, Baked, Barbecued. (Cirie and Jonathan laugh)
To je usmažená, upečená, ugrilovaná.
Parvati: Guys, you're scaring them. They're not going to lay eggs if you keep talking like that.
Kluci, děsíte je. Nenakladou vajíčka, když na ně budete takhle mluvit.
(Cirie coos some more while James talkes to "Barbecue")
Jonathan (solo): James is looking forward to being the butcher, I think. We're all just fantasizing now about how we're going to cook the dang things.
Myslím si, že James se těší, až bude řezník. Všichni teď jen fantazírujeme o tom, jak je uvaříme.
Cirie (tending the fire): I have plenty of chicken recipes. We can have barbecue chicken, we got baked chicken...
Mám spoustu receptů na slepice. Můžeme je mít ugrilované, upečené...
(chicken makes a noise)
Ami (in the woods with Parvati and Amanda): If you take a chicken and stuff it with plums and mandarin oranges and walnuts and mint...
Když vezmete kuře a ostatní věci se švestkami a mandarinkou a ořechy a mátou...
Cirie: We take a little pit...
Uděláme malou jámu...
Jonathan (another interview): ...with coals. You bury it under the ground, you wrap it up in palm leaves...
... s uhlím. Pohřbíte ji pod zem a zabalíte ji do palmových listů...
Cirie: Then cover it with coals, then cover it with dirt...
A pak pokrýt uhlím a nečistotami...
Jonathan: Just let it simmer for a couple hours...
A necháte to vařit pár hodin...
(closeup of rooster)
James: Bell peppers, onions, mushrooms...
Papriky, cibule, houby...
Ami: Gets crispy on the edges. The inside's really sweet and juicy. Ooohhh...
Na okrajích je křupavá. Vnitřek je opravdu sladký a šťavnatý.
Cirie: I think we'll have finger-licking good chicken.
Myslím, že budeme mít slepici tak dobrou, že si budeme olizovat prsty.
(Ami, Parvati, Jonathan, and Eliza do the chicken dance)
Jonathan (solo): We keep winning reward and all the fans got is a hatchet, and a pot, and flint, I think. We've got unbelievable bounty over here.
My vyhráváme odměny a favorité mají sekeru, hrnec a pazourek, myslím. Máme neuvěřitelnou odměnu.
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