out how Todd deals with being gay and a Mormon as he discusses his
lifestyle with his new tribemates.
Transcript by James Barber: (text in blue is czech translation)
21; Frosti, Todd, Jaime, Erik sitting on a bench; Frosti and Todd
bump fists)
Erik: What church are you?
Erik: What church are you?
jsi náboženství?
Todd: Mormon.
Erik: Oh.
Todd: Probably be excommunicated anyway. But whatever.
Todd: Mormon.
Erik: Oh.
Todd: Probably be excommunicated anyway. But whatever.
budu stejně vyloučen.
Jaime: Yeah, they are really strict.
Jaime: Yeah, they are really strict.
jsou opravdu přísní.
Todd: Yeah. I do it mainly for my mom and dad, though.
Todd: Yeah. I do it mainly for my mom and dad, though.
Já to ale dělám hlavně pro mou mámu a mýho tátu.
Jaime: That's good.
Jaime: That's good.
je dobré.
Todd: To make them happy, you know what I mean? (Jaime agrees) And then I'm gay, so my mom takes a lot of flak for it already. She knew I was coming on here. She's like, "Be yourself and have a good time, just remember your family's back here and whether we like it or not, we get consequences." It's important for her.
Todd: To make them happy, you know what I mean? (Jaime agrees) And then I'm gay, so my mom takes a lot of flak for it already. She knew I was coming on here. She's like, "Be yourself and have a good time, just remember your family's back here and whether we like it or not, we get consequences." It's important for her.
byli šťastní, víte, co myslím? A pak jsem gay, takže moje máma
za to má už hodně ostrou kritiku. Ona věděla, že půjdu sem.
Ona je jako, "Buď sám sebou a užij si to, jen pamatuj, že
tvoje rodina tady je a ať už se nám to líbí nebo ne, máme z
toho důsledky." Je to pro ni důležité.
Erik: That makes sense.
Erik: That makes sense.
dává smysl.
Todd (solo): I was raised Mormon in a very religious family, with religious friends, and religious neighbors. At nineteen my mom found out I was gay. Being a religious family, it was rough at first and my mom had a hard time. My mom cried about the fact that I was gay, but she loves me, and I'm very happy with the way my life is going. I have no complaints, so I want to make her proud of me.
Todd (solo): I was raised Mormon in a very religious family, with religious friends, and religious neighbors. At nineteen my mom found out I was gay. Being a religious family, it was rough at first and my mom had a hard time. My mom cried about the fact that I was gay, but she loves me, and I'm very happy with the way my life is going. I have no complaints, so I want to make her proud of me.
mě jako Mormona ve velmi náboženské rodině, s náboženskými
přáteli a náboženskými sousedy. V devatenácti máma zjistila,
že jsem byl gay. Když jsem v náboženské rodině, bylo to nejprve
drsné a moje máma to měla těžké. Brečela kvůli faktu, že
jsem byl gay, ale má mě ráda a jsem hodně šťastný ze způsobu,
jakým jde můj život. Vůbec si nestěžuju, takže chci, aby na mě
byla pyšná.
Todd (to Erik/Jaime/Frosti): The church drives me insane. They tell me flat-out that I'm wrong. That I live a wrong lifestyle and I know that. Why in the world would I want to go to church? I've just kind of stopped for the past five years.
Todd (to Erik/Jaime/Frosti): The church drives me insane. They tell me flat-out that I'm wrong. That I live a wrong lifestyle and I know that. Why in the world would I want to go to church? I've just kind of stopped for the past five years.
mě dohání k šílenství. Řekli mi na plné obrátky, že jsem
špatný. Že žiju špatný životní styl a já to vím. Proč bych
na světě chtěl jít do kostela? Tak nějak jsem tam přestal
chodit posledních pět let.
Todd (solo): Word got out that I was gay. I don't like the fact that my religion said that that was wrong, because I went through a lot of teasing and tormenting and stuff like that, but through that I gained a personality and slowly I learned who I was. Part of the reason I'm so strong is because this is part of what I am, not who I am.
Todd (solo): Word got out that I was gay. I don't like the fact that my religion said that that was wrong, because I went through a lot of teasing and tormenting and stuff like that, but through that I gained a personality and slowly I learned who I was. Part of the reason I'm so strong is because this is part of what I am, not who I am.
se dostalo ven, že jsem byl gay. Nelíbí se mi, že moje
náboženství mi řeklo, že to bylo špatně, protože jsem prošel
hodně škádlením a trápením a takovými věcmi, ale díky tomu
jsem získal svou osobnost a pomalu jsem se naučil, kdo jsem byl.
Částí důvodu, proč jsem tak silný je, protože tohle je součást
toho, co jsem a ne toho, kdo jsem.
Todd (to E/J/F): As far as my life, I don't care what people think about me.
jde o můj život, nezajímá mě, co si o mě lidé myslí.
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