after having her torch extinguished, Sherea gives her final words.
How does she think the rest of the game will play out?
Transcript by James Barber: (text in blue is czech translation)
fact that the Fei Long people decided to stay together for numbers
just says that they're getting played and they'll realize it sooner
or later. I'm competition, I'm a strong female, of course they're
gonna see that as a threat."
že se lidi z Fei Longu rozhodli z nějakýho důvodu držet spolu
ukazuje, že si s nima někdo hraje a dříve nebo později jim to
dojde. V soutěži jsem silná žena a samozřejmě mě viděli jako
"Eventually, what's gonna happen is JR, or Jean-Robert, is going to start trying to vote his own people off. They don't realize that right now, but he's the puppetmaster, and if and when they merge, Jaime, Erik, and PG are gonna stay strong. I don't know about Frosti now, since he's so quick to jump sides, but eventually they're gonna start fighting within each other."
"Eventually, what's gonna happen is JR, or Jean-Robert, is going to start trying to vote his own people off. They don't realize that right now, but he's the puppetmaster, and if and when they merge, Jaime, Erik, and PG are gonna stay strong. I don't know about Frosti now, since he's so quick to jump sides, but eventually they're gonna start fighting within each other."
co se stane je, že JR, nebo Jean-Robert se bude začít pokoušet
vyloučit své vlastní lidi. Teď si to neuvědomují, ale on je ten
loutkář a pokud a když se sloučí, Jaime, Erik, a PG zůstanou
silní. Teď nevím, jestli i Frosti, když tak rychle dokáže
přeběhnout na druhou stranu, ale nakonec začnou bojovat mezi sebou
"I hope Jean-Robert gets voted out ASAP. He doesn't deserve to win, he's fake, and he's being fake with everybody else. Eventually they'll see it, and if they don't, then that's their loss."
"I hope Jean-Robert gets voted out ASAP. He doesn't deserve to win, he's fake, and he's being fake with everybody else. Eventually they'll see it, and if they don't, then that's their loss."
že Jean-Roberta vyloučí co nejdřív. Nezaslouží si vyhrát, je
falešný, a je falešný se všemi. Nakonec to asi uvidí, a jestli
ne, tak je to jejich ztráta.
"The city girl made it 18 days out here. I'm so proud of myself. I never gave up, I tried my best, I did what I had to do. I hope half of 'em get screwed since some of them screwed me. They knew they couldn't beat me in the challenges. I was the strong one, they were the weak ones. It's all good. I'm ready to go eat, take a bath. Cool. I'm ready to go."
"The city girl made it 18 days out here. I'm so proud of myself. I never gave up, I tried my best, I did what I had to do. I hope half of 'em get screwed since some of them screwed me. They knew they couldn't beat me in the challenges. I was the strong one, they were the weak ones. It's all good. I'm ready to go eat, take a bath. Cool. I'm ready to go."
holka tady vydržela 18 dní. Jsem na sebe moc pyšná. Nikdy jsem se
nevzdala, snažila jsem se co nejlépe, udělala jsem to co jsem
musela udělat. Doufám, že aspoň polovinu z nich někdo podrazí
tak, jako oni podrazili mě. Věděli, že ve výzvách by mě
neporazili. Já byla ta silná a oni ti slabí. Ale to je dobrý.
Jsem připravená na to, že budu jíst a vykoupu se. Jsem připravena
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