struggles to sleep at night as his rambunctious tribe makes some
Video is no longer available, but at least transcript by James Barber: (text in blue is czech translation)
1; various people chatter as they get ready to sleep; Ashley laughs
and talks about how they're roughing it)
noc; několik lidí klábosí a připravuje se na spaní; Ashley se
směje a mluví o tom, jak to zdrsnili)
CHICKEN (solo): There's no common sense among these people. I'm trying to get along. (more scenes of Ashley and others laughing) Everybody keeps talking. So I just got up.
CHICKEN (solo): There's no common sense among these people. I'm trying to get along. (more scenes of Ashley and others laughing) Everybody keeps talking. So I just got up.
žádný rozum mezi těmito lidmi. Snažím se zapadnout. (více
scén Ashley a dalších, jak se smějou) Všichni pořád mluví.
Takže jsem zrovna vstal.
(Chicken leaves and says he's not that tired)
(Chicken leaves and says he's not that tired)
odejde a řekne, že není unavený)
CHICKEN: They won't sleep none tonight. I may just stay down here. (Frosti does some tricks) I made all the suggestions I can make. I'm just being really, really cautious. I don't want to rub anybody's rhubarb or you know pee in their corn flakes. I'm just going to try and slide by. You know, that's all I can do.
CHICKEN: They won't sleep none tonight. I may just stay down here. (Frosti does some tricks) I made all the suggestions I can make. I'm just being really, really cautious. I don't want to rub anybody's rhubarb or you know pee in their corn flakes. I'm just going to try and slide by. You know, that's all I can do.
z nich dnes nebude spát. Možná zůstanu tady dole. (Frosti dělá
nějaké triky) Řekl jsem všechny návrhy, jaké jsem mohl říct.
Budu hodně, hodně obezřetný. Nechci nikoho dráždit. Jen se
pokusím tím celým projít. Víte, to je vše, co můžu udělat.
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