as Zhan Hu attends their first Tribal Council. What did they have to
say while casting their votes?
Video is no longer available, but at least transcript by James Barber: (text in blue is czech translation)
Frosti ("Chicken"):
It's all about harmony, man.
to vše o harmonii (souladu), chlape.
Ashley ("PG"): I'm voting for PG, because I feel like the group already has a leader and that's Dave. I think Chicken is the wrong choice because we need the strength of a man to build the shelter right now.
Ashley ("PG"): I'm voting for PG, because I feel like the group already has a leader and that's Dave. I think Chicken is the wrong choice because we need the strength of a man to build the shelter right now.
pro PG, protože myslím, že my už vůdce máme a je to Dave.
Myslím, že Chicken je špatná volba, protože právě teď
potřebujeme sílu muže, abychom postavili
Erik ("Chicken"): Sorry, man. There was just too much information going on in the tribe that was saying you were lying. I didn't know who to believe, so I went with the numbers.
Erik ("Chicken"): Sorry, man. There was just too much information going on in the tribe that was saying you were lying. I didn't know who to believe, so I went with the numbers.
se. V kmeni bylo prostě příliš informací a říkalo se, že ty
lžeš. Nevím, komu věřit, takže jsem šel s
Sherea ("Chicken"): My vote is for you because you act like you're not playing the game but you really are.
Sherea ("Chicken"): My vote is for you because you act like you're not playing the game but you really are.
hlas je pro tebe, protože se chováš jako, že nehraješ hru,
zatímco ty jí opravdu hraješ.
Chicken ("Ashley"): Just bad luck, wrong time, wrong place.
Chicken ("Ashley"): Just bad luck, wrong time, wrong place.
jsi smůlu, špatný místo, špatnej čas.
Jaime ("Chicken"): You kept lying way too much.
Jaime ("Chicken"): You kept lying way too much.
příliš lžeš.
Dave ("Ashley"): I would love to see you actually apply more of what we read.
Dave ("Ashley"): I would love to see you actually apply more of what we read.
bych tě viděl zapojit se víc z toho, co jsem
Peih-Gee ("Chicken"): Chicken, you get my vote because I think you truly lived up to your nickname and you've been too afraid, too shrewd to step up to anything. We don't need that right now.
Peih-Gee ("Chicken"): Chicken, you get my vote because I think you truly lived up to your nickname and you've been too afraid, too shrewd to step up to anything. We don't need that right now.
máš můj hlas, protože si myslím, že ses se svojí přezdívkou
zžil a byl jsi moc vystrašenej na to, aby ses do čehokoliv pouštěl.
A to právě teď nepotřebujeme.
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