as a disappointed but proud Peih-Gee reveals how she feels soon after
being voted out of the game.
Transcript by James Barber: (text in blue is czech translation)
have to thank, I have a lot to thank for being Asian, being Chinese
specifically, and going into Survivor China. I'll joke about getting
strength from mother China, but ultimately it really did help me, to
help me nail a bunch of the challenges where my knowledge of Chinese
background, it helped me win these challenges. Moreso than that, I'm
here representing the Asian community, whether I wanted to or not, I
am. I'm so glad I was able to do them. I hope I was able to do
justice, because like I said, I feel like I persevered, I overcame
huge odds, I was a complete underdog, I managed to make final five,
and I still did it pretty honorably, in my opinion. I hope I can be a
good role model for the Asian American community back at home. I'm
just glad I did myself proud here in China, in Survivor China."
poděkovat, musím hodně poděkovat za to, že jsem asiatka,
přesněji řečeno číňanka a šla jsem do Kdo přežije: Čína.
Můžu žertovat o tom, že jsem získala sílu od matky Číny, ale
nakonec mi to opravdu pomohlo, pomohlo mi to zvládnout spoustu
výzev, kde moje znalost pozadí Číny mi pomohla vyhrát tyto
výzvy. A co víc, jsem zde, abych reprezentovala asijskou komunitu,
ať už chci, nebo ne, tak je to tak. Jsem ráda, že jsem to mohla
udělat. Doufám, že jsem byla schopná konat spravedlnost, protože
jak jsem řekla, cítím, že jsem vytrvala, překonala jsem obrovské
rozdíly, byla jsem úplný outsider, dotáhla jsem to do finálové
pětky a dokázala jsem to docela čestně, podle mého názoru.
Doufám, že budu dobrým vzorem pro Asijsko-Americkou komunitu. Jsem
prostě ráda, že jsem byla tady v Číně na sebe pyšná, v Kdo
přežije: Čína.
"Ultimately I think it comes down to two reasons why I got voted out. The first was what I understand there was a pretty tight four-person alliance that was determined to make it to final four. Once they made it to final five they wanted to stick with it. They wnated to stick with the people they had made an alliance with way back when. I can respect that, because that's what I would have liked to have seen happen with my alliance; ultimately it didn't work out that way. The other reason is that like I said, pretty much what I heard from everybody was nobody wanted to go against me in final three. They were also afraid I would win immunity again and that would guarantee me a spot in final three. They just couldn't risk that happening."
"Ultimately I think it comes down to two reasons why I got voted out. The first was what I understand there was a pretty tight four-person alliance that was determined to make it to final four. Once they made it to final five they wanted to stick with it. They wnated to stick with the people they had made an alliance with way back when. I can respect that, because that's what I would have liked to have seen happen with my alliance; ultimately it didn't work out that way. The other reason is that like I said, pretty much what I heard from everybody was nobody wanted to go against me in final three. They were also afraid I would win immunity again and that would guarantee me a spot in final three. They just couldn't risk that happening."
si myslím, že byly dva důvody, proč mě vyřadili. První byl, že
tu byla docela pevná aliance čtyř lidí, která měla předurčeno
dojít do finálové čtyřky. Když to dotáhli do finálové pětky,
chtěli u toho zůstat. Chtěli zůstat s lidmi, se kterými utvořili
alianci na začátku. Respektuji to, protože to bych chtěla, aby se
stalo s mou aliancí, ale nevyšlo mi to. Další důvod je z toho,
co jsem do značné míry slyšela, že nikdo nechtěl jít proti mně
ve finálové trojce. Taky se báli, že bych znovu vyhrála imunitu
a to by mi zajistilo místo ve finálové trojce. Nemohli to prostě
"Wow, you know, I just gotta say I'm really proud of the way I played this game. This has been an amazing experience, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I'm glad I immersed myself in it fully. I put my whole self into this, heart, mind, body and soul, into this experience. It's evolved into something beyond what I thought it could. I'm glad I played to my utmost, I pushed myself physically as far as I could go, mentally, strategically. I'm really proud to say I played an honorable game. I honored the alliances I had, the people I made promises to. I didn't have to backstab people, I didn't have to lie to anybody, and I still made final five. I think there's something to be said for playing this game honorably. That's something that's going to make me proud in the future. I went far beyond what I thought I was capable of, which lets me know in the future my bar is this much higher now. I didn't know I had that in me. I had the least to eat of anybody here, and I managed to win some of the most intense challenges ever. I came so close today, but you know what, I'm still really proud of myself. What can I say. It sucks to have made it this far, live in a jungle, to try this hard and be voted out, but I made it to final five, and ultimately I'm glad I wasn't blindsided, I wasn't voted off by people I thought were my allies. I thought I got a pretty appropriate sending off where basically everybody told me they were threatened by me, which was great. Who would have told me I'd be immunity hog, winning two immunities when everybody else has won one? And the fact that everybody was scared to death of going against me in the final three. I'm not gonna be a millionaire, but I still feel like I'm walking away way richer than I was when I came into this game."
"Wow, you know, I just gotta say I'm really proud of the way I played this game. This has been an amazing experience, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I'm glad I immersed myself in it fully. I put my whole self into this, heart, mind, body and soul, into this experience. It's evolved into something beyond what I thought it could. I'm glad I played to my utmost, I pushed myself physically as far as I could go, mentally, strategically. I'm really proud to say I played an honorable game. I honored the alliances I had, the people I made promises to. I didn't have to backstab people, I didn't have to lie to anybody, and I still made final five. I think there's something to be said for playing this game honorably. That's something that's going to make me proud in the future. I went far beyond what I thought I was capable of, which lets me know in the future my bar is this much higher now. I didn't know I had that in me. I had the least to eat of anybody here, and I managed to win some of the most intense challenges ever. I came so close today, but you know what, I'm still really proud of myself. What can I say. It sucks to have made it this far, live in a jungle, to try this hard and be voted out, but I made it to final five, and ultimately I'm glad I wasn't blindsided, I wasn't voted off by people I thought were my allies. I thought I got a pretty appropriate sending off where basically everybody told me they were threatened by me, which was great. Who would have told me I'd be immunity hog, winning two immunities when everybody else has won one? And the fact that everybody was scared to death of going against me in the final three. I'm not gonna be a millionaire, but I still feel like I'm walking away way richer than I was when I came into this game."
víte, musím prostě říct, že jsem opravdu pyšná na to, jak
jsem hrála tuhle hru. Byla to úžasná zkušenost, příležitost
jednou v životě. Jsem ráda, že jsem se do toho plně ponořila.
Dala jsem do toho všechno, srdce, mysl, tělo a duši, do tohoto
zážitku. Vyvinulo se to v něco, co jsem si nemyslela, že se to
vyvine. Jsem ráda, že jsem pro výhru udělala maximum, přemohla
jsem se fyzicky, psychicky, strategicky. Jsem opravdu ráda, že můžu
říct, že jsem hrála čestnou hru. Byla jsem čestná ke
spojencům, které jsem měla, k lidem, kterým jsem dala slib.
Nemusela jsem podrazit lidi, nemusela jsem nikomu lhát a dotáhla
jsem to do finálové pětky. Myslím, že se tahle hra dá hrát
čestně. Je to něco, na co budu v budoucnosti pyšná. Dostala jsem
se dál, než jsem si myslela, že jsem schopná se dostat, což
znamená, že moje hranice je teď mnohem vyšší. Nevěděla jsem,
že to v sobě mám. Musela jsem tady ze všech jíst nejmíň a
dokázala jsem vyhrát ty nejintenzivnější výzvy. Byla jsem dnes
tak blízko, ale víte co, stále jsem na sebe pyšná. Co můžu
říct. Je to hrozné dotáhnout to takhle daleko, žit v džungli,
usilovně se snažit a být vyřazena, ale dotáhla jsem to do
finálové pětky a nakonec jsem ráda, že mě nepodrazili, že mě
nevyřadili lidi, se kterými jsem byla ve spojenectví. Myslela jsem
si, že mám docela vhodné postavení, kde mi v podstatě všichni
řekli, že byli mnou ohroženi, což bylo skvělé. Kdo by řekl, že
budu vyhrávat imunity, vyhraju dvě imunity, když ostatní vyhráli
jednu? A fakt, že ze mě byli všichni tak vyděšení, že by proti
mně měli jít ve finálové trojce. Takže sice nebudu milionářkou,
ale uvnitř cítím, že jsem odešla mnohem, mnohem bohatší než
když jsem sem přišla.
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