Ozzy and Amanda stole kisses in the night when they thought their tribemates were fast asleep. Now watch as the lovebirds try to deflect the subtle accusations the next morning.
Transcript by James Barber:
(James chops coconut as everyone else stirs and wakes up)
Ozzy (drinks
from a coconut): I had a hard time falling asleep last night. Once I
got to sleep I didn't want to get up. (to Jonathan) Saw you get up a
couple times to do the fire.
Jonathan: Yeah, two, three times. It's hard to sleep 12 hours straight.
Jo, dvakrát, nebo třikrát. Je těžké spát 12 hodin v kuse.
Jonathan (solo): I don't feel threatened right now. Maybe that's stupid. James is not sure what to make of me. He may feel threatened by me, but I don't feel threatened by him. I don't feel threatened by Ozzy, or Amanda, or Parvati. Maybe that's stupid, but myself, Eliza, Ami, Yau-Man, we're four, fifth member is Cirie.
Necítím se teď ohrožen. Možná je to hloupé, ale James si není jistý, co se mnou dělat. Možná se cítí ohrožen mnou, ale já se necítím jím ohrožen. Necítím se ohrožen Ozzym, nebo Amandou, nebo Parvati. Možná je to hloupé, ale já, Eliza, Ami, Yau-Man, jsme čtyři, pátý člen je Cirie.
(Cirie chops a coconut while Amanda and Parvati walk near the shore)
Amanda: I feel like we need one more person. (Parvati agrees) The only people I talk to are you, James, and Ozzy. (Parvati agrees)
Myslím, že potřebujeme ještě jednoho člověka. Jediný, s kým jsem mluvila jsi ty, James a Ozzy.
Amanda (solo): I trust Parv completely. I think her and I could go really far in this game. We both have different strategies, different personalities, but together we could do a lot.
Věřím Parvati. Myslím, že ona a já bychom mohli dojít v této hře opravdu daleko. Obě máme rozdílné strategie, rozdílné osobnosti, ale společně bychom mohli dokázat hodně.
(Ozzy grins at them from the boat)
Parvati: I think Ozzy likes you.
Myslím, že tě má Ozzy rád.
Amanda: Really?
Parvati: I think Ozzy has a crush on you.
Myslím, že Ozzy se do tebe zamiloval.
Amanda: I'm trying not to talk to Ozzy too much.
Snažím se nemluvit s Ozzym příliš moc.
Parvati: Why?
Amanda: I don't want people to think...
Nechci, aby si ostatní mysleli, že...
Parvati: I think you should talk to him as much as you can. Make sure everything is secure. If anything happens, you hold the cards.
Myslím, že bys s ním měla mluvit tolik, kolik můžeš. Ujisti se, že je všechno v pohodě. Jestli se cokoliv stane, ty držíš karty.
Amanda (solo): I think it would be smart for me to take Parv's advice into consideration, because she's right, this is still a game. If it can get me further, then why not?
Myslím, že by pro mě bylo chytré vzít v úvahu Parvatinu radu, protože má pravdu, tohle je stále hra. Jestli mě to dokáže dostat dál, tak proč ne?
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