day after being ousted from his tribe, Chicken puts his short-lived
game experience into perspective. What mistakes did he make and what
could he have done differently?
Video is no longer avialable, but at least transcript by James Barber:
didn't know when I was coming into the game, I thought about this
game in so many different ways, I put myself in every possible
position before I got here. It just basically took over three or four
weeks before I got here; you're thinking the game 24/7. I was really
excited to get here. I haven't seen anybody yet who was as excited as
I was to get here."
"Going into the game, I was going to be myself. I didn't have no game plan, I was going to be myself, right or wrong. What's great about this game is it can change a million different ways and while it's changing in that million ways it can change in another million. The chemistry of the game speaks for itself. Sometimes it's forgiving and sometimes it's not, but that the element of it, it's the greatest game in the world. It's great potential."
"I think going on in as myself was not enough strategy. I didn't even sit back and think for just a few minutes about ways to fit in. I was just being myself. We can be wrong, we don't know how it would have laid out or whatever, but if I didn't go the first night, I would have went the second. Their chemistry came together really quick. Before we got to the boat, these are young people, they click very well. They're all on the same communication level, they're all on the same educational level. It's just like taking a bunch of guys at the feed store, a bunch of farmers. We're sitting around talking about farming, and a young guy comes in. He's not going to stand there and listen to anything about farming. That's just an example, but I couldn't relate to the people. I tried, but (laughs) I'm out of their generation big time."
"You got the pretty ones, the smart ones, the young ones. They're all young. You've got all these different characters, then you've got me. It's really strange, the chemistry of the game. They all bonded really quick, as soon as we got on the boat, they more or less bonded a little bit. They was having fun, no arguing, no screaming at one another. When we got to camp they bonded together; I didn't."
"You've just got to come together to go in this game. It's not just coming together at camp, it's coming together in the challenges, it's coming together 24/7. It's not a day game, or a night game, or a week game. You've got to come together to win this game."
"If I started over playing Survivor, when we got on that boat, I would've insisted on we need to choose a leader. We all need to agree on a leader, and listen to the leader. No arguing with what he says. It's really simple. When you got a job, and you got a flipping boss who comes and tells you to do something, you don't stand there and argue with him. He comes and tells you what's to do, he's the damn boss, he knows what needs to be done, that's the reason they're paying him for what he does. My first thing would be get a leader, get some organization. Whether it's right or wrong, if a leader tells you to go jump in a lake, you go jump in the lake. It would have been great. You've got the young people, you've got the strong people, you've got the fast people, and we had all the chemistry, all the elements to build one of the greatest tribes that ever was. It just didn't come together."
"One thing that did come together, the one thing that did get organized, one thing, to vote my ass out. I couldn't believe it. That they did get organized enough to do that. I couldn't believe it. When I came out of the game first, I said it flipping amazed me that four people had enough sense to write my name down. That is amazing. That's just the way I look at it."
"Going into the game, I was going to be myself. I didn't have no game plan, I was going to be myself, right or wrong. What's great about this game is it can change a million different ways and while it's changing in that million ways it can change in another million. The chemistry of the game speaks for itself. Sometimes it's forgiving and sometimes it's not, but that the element of it, it's the greatest game in the world. It's great potential."
"I think going on in as myself was not enough strategy. I didn't even sit back and think for just a few minutes about ways to fit in. I was just being myself. We can be wrong, we don't know how it would have laid out or whatever, but if I didn't go the first night, I would have went the second. Their chemistry came together really quick. Before we got to the boat, these are young people, they click very well. They're all on the same communication level, they're all on the same educational level. It's just like taking a bunch of guys at the feed store, a bunch of farmers. We're sitting around talking about farming, and a young guy comes in. He's not going to stand there and listen to anything about farming. That's just an example, but I couldn't relate to the people. I tried, but (laughs) I'm out of their generation big time."
"You got the pretty ones, the smart ones, the young ones. They're all young. You've got all these different characters, then you've got me. It's really strange, the chemistry of the game. They all bonded really quick, as soon as we got on the boat, they more or less bonded a little bit. They was having fun, no arguing, no screaming at one another. When we got to camp they bonded together; I didn't."
"You've just got to come together to go in this game. It's not just coming together at camp, it's coming together in the challenges, it's coming together 24/7. It's not a day game, or a night game, or a week game. You've got to come together to win this game."
"If I started over playing Survivor, when we got on that boat, I would've insisted on we need to choose a leader. We all need to agree on a leader, and listen to the leader. No arguing with what he says. It's really simple. When you got a job, and you got a flipping boss who comes and tells you to do something, you don't stand there and argue with him. He comes and tells you what's to do, he's the damn boss, he knows what needs to be done, that's the reason they're paying him for what he does. My first thing would be get a leader, get some organization. Whether it's right or wrong, if a leader tells you to go jump in a lake, you go jump in the lake. It would have been great. You've got the young people, you've got the strong people, you've got the fast people, and we had all the chemistry, all the elements to build one of the greatest tribes that ever was. It just didn't come together."
"One thing that did come together, the one thing that did get organized, one thing, to vote my ass out. I couldn't believe it. That they did get organized enough to do that. I couldn't believe it. When I came out of the game first, I said it flipping amazed me that four people had enough sense to write my name down. That is amazing. That's just the way I look at it."
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