having been ousted at Tribal Council, Aaron sums up his SURVIVOR
experience, explaining how he lasted as long as he did.
Transcript by James Barber:
big moment in the game for me might have been the very last challenge
when I had the boat's rope was in my teeth and I was pulling it to
shore. It was a swimming challenge, something that I cherished,
something I'm great at. This new tribe I was proving myself to and
giving them such a big lead, then the downfall of having it turned
Caesar-style upon me, that they threw the immunity challenge. That
was a big moment, both in glory and sadness."
"I don't think that Peih-Gee and Jaime have that much of a heart to worry about how hard I tried. In this game it's so difficult, you have to keep your emotions in check, you have to keep people you like in check. It's simply a game of numbers."
"In the switch, I certainly wasn't appreciated by the new tribe, Zhan Hu. Zhan Hu had numbers and they played a strategy game and they took me out. They saw me more as a threat than they ever did as an advantage."
"It makes it a lot easier to be seen as a threat, to be seen as being targeted, someone who would be effective down the line. When Peih-Gee said that at Tribal Council, when Peih-Gee said they were going to take out the most effective threat later on down the line, I thought it was going to be James, all the way to the bank. To me he would be the immunity hog, he would be able to be the immunity hog if it goes to the individual challenges. When the votes came back and it was me, yeah I had a feather in my cap, but I certainly would want it to be the other way around."
"At that moment when you go up and you look Jeff in the eyes and he's saying, 'Yeah, that's it, your light is extinguished, you're done,' it's hard, it's surreal, it's hard to come to terms with. You think about how exactly did I get here. In this very split-second. Your thoughts turn to anger and hatred for the people that voted you out. It takes a long time for you to reflect upon it and realize they were just simply playing a game and it's like no other game."
"The hardest part of the game for me was trying to wear too many hats, trying to please too many people, not jumping down enough people's throats. Trying to play that middle high ground to where you can get into the later rounds with your friends. When I became leader it was very difficult because not a lot of people were pulling their weight, not a lot of people knew exactly what to do. Then I found fault in myself that if these people don't know what to do, and I know a little bit, I can at least teach them, and I won't have to worry about starting fires any longer. I can be the leader rather than wear two hats and stress myself out and wear myself down and be a target in the same way, so, yeah."
"Playing the game of Survivor is a lot like surfing in that you've chosen this kind of amazing undertaking to do, to learn something, to put yourself in an element that you're not really used to. One you're in the water and two you're in just survival mode. The highs and the lows that come about in both Survivor and surfing, you catch that wave, and you realize after having such a bad day, let's say you had the worst day ever, but you catch that one last wave and you pup up out of the water like, 'Yeah! I am a surfer and I remember how to do this, and I feel really good.' There are days in Survivor where you're like, 'This isn't going right, I don't feel good,' but then the next day the challenge comes and you're the one who wins it for your tribe. You're on that high and you realize, 'This is the reason I signed up for it.'"
"Yeah, I paddled into quite a few waves that I wish I wouldn't have. I've gone over plenty of the falls and I take my share of wipeouts."
"I pushed myself for fifteen days and it was really hard. No food and no water. That was really an intriguing, appealing thing for me to do to see how people survive like that and what exactly is gonna happen to you when you actually go through it. To actually have a crew of people who make these amazing challenges and I get to partake and feel like this warrior, this Swiss Family Robinson kind of crusade, was just amazing, and cool."
"I don't think that Peih-Gee and Jaime have that much of a heart to worry about how hard I tried. In this game it's so difficult, you have to keep your emotions in check, you have to keep people you like in check. It's simply a game of numbers."
"In the switch, I certainly wasn't appreciated by the new tribe, Zhan Hu. Zhan Hu had numbers and they played a strategy game and they took me out. They saw me more as a threat than they ever did as an advantage."
"It makes it a lot easier to be seen as a threat, to be seen as being targeted, someone who would be effective down the line. When Peih-Gee said that at Tribal Council, when Peih-Gee said they were going to take out the most effective threat later on down the line, I thought it was going to be James, all the way to the bank. To me he would be the immunity hog, he would be able to be the immunity hog if it goes to the individual challenges. When the votes came back and it was me, yeah I had a feather in my cap, but I certainly would want it to be the other way around."
"At that moment when you go up and you look Jeff in the eyes and he's saying, 'Yeah, that's it, your light is extinguished, you're done,' it's hard, it's surreal, it's hard to come to terms with. You think about how exactly did I get here. In this very split-second. Your thoughts turn to anger and hatred for the people that voted you out. It takes a long time for you to reflect upon it and realize they were just simply playing a game and it's like no other game."
"The hardest part of the game for me was trying to wear too many hats, trying to please too many people, not jumping down enough people's throats. Trying to play that middle high ground to where you can get into the later rounds with your friends. When I became leader it was very difficult because not a lot of people were pulling their weight, not a lot of people knew exactly what to do. Then I found fault in myself that if these people don't know what to do, and I know a little bit, I can at least teach them, and I won't have to worry about starting fires any longer. I can be the leader rather than wear two hats and stress myself out and wear myself down and be a target in the same way, so, yeah."
"Playing the game of Survivor is a lot like surfing in that you've chosen this kind of amazing undertaking to do, to learn something, to put yourself in an element that you're not really used to. One you're in the water and two you're in just survival mode. The highs and the lows that come about in both Survivor and surfing, you catch that wave, and you realize after having such a bad day, let's say you had the worst day ever, but you catch that one last wave and you pup up out of the water like, 'Yeah! I am a surfer and I remember how to do this, and I feel really good.' There are days in Survivor where you're like, 'This isn't going right, I don't feel good,' but then the next day the challenge comes and you're the one who wins it for your tribe. You're on that high and you realize, 'This is the reason I signed up for it.'"
"Yeah, I paddled into quite a few waves that I wish I wouldn't have. I've gone over plenty of the falls and I take my share of wipeouts."
"I pushed myself for fifteen days and it was really hard. No food and no water. That was really an intriguing, appealing thing for me to do to see how people survive like that and what exactly is gonna happen to you when you actually go through it. To actually have a crew of people who make these amazing challenges and I get to partake and feel like this warrior, this Swiss Family Robinson kind of crusade, was just amazing, and cool."
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