čtvrtek 7. srpna 2014

Ami's Final Words

length: 3:48

Having put herself in a dangerous position, waffling betweens the Fans and Favorites, Ami faces disappointment when the game catches up to her.


Transcript by James Barber:

"I am absolutely honored to have been part of this game twice. I'm so thankful I got chosen as a favorite, and completely different game this time than last time. I felt like I was playing a little scared this time. Gosh, I'm just bumed that my tribe didn't believe in me a little bit more. I got put in a position or I put myself in a position that was a little bit off and I'm definitely paying the price for it now. All in all I feel blessed for being able to participate in this game and play with the people I did. Cirie I love you, you're awesome. You really made this game for me, really touched my heart. I'm just really thankful. That's it. I'm really, really thankful I got to be part of this." 


"Looking back on how I played the game this time, I wish I really would have just come from the heart and believed they wanted me there as much as I wanted to be there from day one or the moment that the favorites that we stepped onto the beach. I felt really scared. I wish I had played straight from the heart and confident the way I usually am. I can't believe I let myself get a little scared during the game, like, 'Oh my gosh, it's going to be me.' That's part of Survivor, that's part of the game. You feel scared, you feel vulnerable, you feel all kinds of emotions, you don't know what you're going to go through. I just really, it kills me that Ozzy and Amanda didn't trust me. I know Cirie did, but it kills me Ozzy and Amanda didn't trust me. That I'm not still there playing with them, cause I really think we could have done well together, especially after the conversation we had today on the beach. The one day I feel like I'm part of an alliance again, part of something, it's the day I get voted out. This game definitely plays tricks on you and you learn a lot aout yourself. I really need to keep my head up, I really need to stay strong even in those moments where I feel like, 'Gosh, who's after me?' The only person who's really after you is yourself and I put myelf in this position. I'm just thankful. That's it. I'm super, super, super-duper blessed that I got to play this game twice. It's really a good group of people." 

"Cirie girl, I hope you get out there and kick some butt. I want you to win this. I want you to win this. You and no one else. I hope Eliza makes it. I know she's at least going to make the jury. Eliza, go girl, you're strong, I'm really proud of you. James and Parvati, all of the favorites, I really think you guys are awesome. Good luck to you. Fans I didn't really get to know you. Erik, you're a good guy. Don't feel bad. You're OK. Enjoy every second of this experience. It's something you will not forget for a lifetime. It's something you'll be able to tell your kids about, and enjoy every second of it. It's a gift." 

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