neděle 3. srpna 2014

Alexis, After Losing the Reward Challenge

length: 3:17

Alexis describes the feeling of defeat and the toll it takes on the tribe coming home empty-handed.


Transcript by James Barber:

"The reward challenge was hands down the hardest, most physical combat I've was insane." 


"Basically the challenge was some form of rugby/football in the water with 30-pound weight bags. It wasn't just that you were trying to get yours into the other team's end zone, you were trying to get your three and then on top of it somehow finagle your way into getting two of theirs as well, all at the same time, while once you were in the end zone it doesn't even mean you're safe because people are still nabbing them from you and trying to take them back across the line. Having five in the end zone was the overall goal. It was almost impossible." 


"I can only speak for myself. I felt like I gave it everything I had. I feel like the rest of the tribe members. We came back so haggard but I was proud of us. I felt it was anybody's game, and give any day, any team, either one of us would have own. It was very, very even, and they ended up pulling it out at the end. They deserved it, absolutely, but I was very proud of us." 


"We needed it so bad. We were playing for fishing gear, kitchen utensils and knives and plates, a tarp, which would have kept all our firewood completely dry in this unbelievably rainy location. We needed it bad. We needed all three of those bad. Just for morale alone, we needed this win, so it was frustrating and pretty devastating for Airai to lose today." 


"I think both teams got a beating, but we absolutely got a beating. Nothing worse than get a beating on top of going home completely empty-handed. It's one thing to get beat up and at least like win something, to at least get something for going home so haggard, but no, we just went home haggard and had to continue eating coconut and lime we've been eating for the past seven days." 


"It's interesting the conversation I had with Natalie just about the fact that I think we're too focused on Tribal Council and who's getting voted out and that side of the game than we are about the camraderie of trying to beat the other tribe out here. It's almost like we have more division and fighting in our own tribe and we should be using that energy against the other team. I think that's definitely we need to have a conversation about because whether we win or whether we lose, we still have those conversations. It shouldn't be about that. It should be about building ourselves up again so we don't go back to Tribal Council, not in preparation of going back to Tribal Council." 


"As soon as we got back, the first topic of conversation was 'Who are we voting out? Who are we voting out? Who is next to go?' and this was only a reward challenge and there's an immunity challenge tomorrow. I think we should be definitely be putting our energy into OK let's win tomorrow so we don't have to go to Tribal Council, so we don't have to sit here and have conversations about who's getting voted out next."

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