did the tribe have to say as they voted out Frosti?
Transcript by James Barber: (text in blue is czech translation)
Todd (Frosti
with a sad face, and the "i" might have been made into a
snowman): This is the hardest vote I've had to do so far. Sorry, but
you're tough, gotta go.
je zatím nejtěžší hlas, který jsem musel udělat. Promiň, ale
jsi tvrdý, takže musíš jít.
Denise (Frosti with the "i" dotted with a heart): Frosti, you're a great kid, you're gonna be a huge success someday. I wish you good luck.
Denise (Frosti with the "i" dotted with a heart): Frosti, you're a great kid, you're gonna be a huge success someday. I wish you good luck.
jsi skvělej kluk, jednou budeš mít obrovský úspěch. Přeju ti
hodně štěstí.
Frosti ("Eric"): One of us will be eating cheeseburgers before the other; neither of us deserved it. Sorry, man.
Frosti ("Eric"): One of us will be eating cheeseburgers before the other; neither of us deserved it. Sorry, man.
z nás si dá cheeseburger dřív, než ostatní, i když si to
nezasloužíme. Promiň.
James (Frosti): I mean...you're good.
James (Frosti): I mean...you're good.
říct... jsi dobrý.
Peih-Gee (Frosti with a sad face): I'm sorry. It's purely strategic.
Peih-Gee (Frosti with a sad face): I'm sorry. It's purely strategic.
se. Je to čistě strategie.
Erik (Frosti with a sad face): It's you or me tonight, bro. Nothing personal.
Erik (Frosti with a sad face): It's you or me tonight, bro. Nothing personal.
je to mezi tebou a mnou. Nic osobního.
Courtney (Frosti with a sad face): I'm really sorry, Frosti. The curse has hit you. That's what you get for being friends with me. I hope you don't hate me, and we can hang out and eat mustard in Chicago. Don't hate me. (something I can't hear) I'm a jerk. (?)
Courtney (Frosti with a sad face): I'm really sorry, Frosti. The curse has hit you. That's what you get for being friends with me. I hope you don't hate me, and we can hang out and eat mustard in Chicago. Don't hate me. (something I can't hear) I'm a jerk. (?)
se omlouvám, Frosti. Kletba tě zasáhla. To je to, co se stane,
když se se mnou spřátelíš. Doufám, že mě nebudeš nenávidět
a můžeme se sejít v Chicagu. Snad mě nebudeš nenávidět. (není
rozumět) Jsem blbá.
Amanda (Frosti): I think you're an amazing person, but you're just too big of a threat. Majority decision. Sorry. I hope we can be friends later. Bye.
Amanda (Frosti): I think you're an amazing person, but you're just too big of a threat. Majority decision. Sorry. I hope we can be friends later. Bye.
že jsi úžasný člověk, ale jsi prostě příliš velká hrozba.
Je to rozhodnutí většiny. Promiň. Doufám, že můžeme zůstat
přáteli. Sbohem.
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