throwing the Immunity Challenge, Zhan Hu is forced to attend Tribal
Council. What do they have to say as they cast their votes?
Transcript by James Barber: (text in blue is czech translation)
Erik (Aaron):
Sorry for the confusion, sorry for the lies. Today was a big mess,
but I have to go with my two girls. That's all I've got in this game.
I hope you understand.
se za zmatení, omlouvám se za lži. Dnes to byl velký chaos, ale
musím jít s mýma dvěma holkama. Oni jsou vše, co v téhle hře
mám. Doufám, že to pochopíš.
Aaron (James): I wish I was sending all three of those home. It was good to do battle with you, boy.
Aaron (James): I wish I was sending all three of those home. It was good to do battle with you, boy.
bych mohl vyhodit ty tři. Ale stálo za to s tebou
Peih-Gee (Aaron with sad face): Aaron, this is purely strategic. I have a ton of respect for you. You're a true warrior in this game.
Peih-Gee (Aaron with sad face): Aaron, this is purely strategic. I have a ton of respect for you. You're a true warrior in this game.
tohle je čistě taktika. Mám z tebe obrovský respekt. Ty jsi v
téhle hře opravdový válečník.
James ("P.G"): Because I stick with my original teammates. That's all I'm going with.
James ("P.G"): Because I stick with my original teammates. That's all I'm going with.
se budu držet svýho původního týmu. To je vše, co hodlám
Jaime (Aaron): As you could say, we're frenemies (?).
Jaime (Aaron): As you could say, we're frenemies (?).
by se dalo říct, jsme frenemies.
i přes zásadní odpor nebo rivalitu(soupeření))
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