and some of his tribemates regret his choice of clothing when coming
Transcript by James Barber: (text in blue is czech translation)
near the shelter)
Courtney (solo): Any guy who shows up for a game that throws you out in the middle of the jungle with a silk shirt and no underpants, you gotta wonder about that guy.
Courtney (solo): Any guy who shows up for a game that throws you out in the middle of the jungle with a silk shirt and no underpants, you gotta wonder about that guy.
chlap, který se ukáže ve hře, kde vás hodí doprostřed džungle
s hedvábnou košilí a žádným spodním prádlem, musíte o něm
Jean-Robert: The problem for me is I'm not having fun. I'll do it, and suffer through it, but this is not fun. (Courtney and Denise make a face) We had to be the group to go out with the clothes on your back. Believe me, if I'd known I'd have shown up in some underwear, and maybe a shirt other than a silk shirt (Courtney makes a face), and some shoes.
Jean-Robert: The problem for me is I'm not having fun. I'll do it, and suffer through it, but this is not fun. (Courtney and Denise make a face) We had to be the group to go out with the clothes on your back. Believe me, if I'd known I'd have shown up in some underwear, and maybe a shirt other than a silk shirt (Courtney makes a face), and some shoes.
mě je problém ten, že nemám zábavu. Udělám to a trpím, ale
tohle není zábava. Museli jsme být skupina, která šla jen s
oblečením, co měla na sobě. Věřte mi, kdybych to věděl, měl
bych nějaké spodní prádlo a radši tričko než hedvábnou košili
a nějaké boty.
Courtney: The no underpants was just silly on your part.
žádné spodní prádlo bylo od tebe prostě
Jean-Robert (solo): Courtney thought it was silly that I wasn't wearing underwear, and I was like, what do you mean silly?
Jean-Robert (solo): Courtney thought it was silly that I wasn't wearing underwear, and I was like, what do you mean silly?
si myslela, že to, že jsem nenosil spodní prádlo bylo hloupé a
já byl jako, co tím myslíš hloupé?
(Jean-Robert says he wants to use Courtney's shawl as a skirt-type outfit, and she refuses, saying she doesn't want his "junk" on her shawl. She gives him a shirt or jacket.)
(Jean-Robert says he wants to use Courtney's shawl as a skirt-type outfit, and she refuses, saying she doesn't want his "junk" on her shawl. She gives him a shirt or jacket.)
říká, že chce použít šátek Courtney jako oblečení typu
sukně a ona odmítne a řekne, že nechce jeho ?? na jejím šátku.
Dá mu tričko nebo bundu.)
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