publicly confronts Erik about his rumor-spreading when it comes to
who's aligned with whom.
Transcript by James Barber (blue text is czech translation)
30; most of the tribe, except Peih-Gee, are in or around the water;
James shows up with the boat)
James: Sweet Erik, when you brought up yesterday about the whole thing Denise and I hooking up with you and Peih-Gee to vote off Todd, what was my answer?
James: Sweet Erik, when you brought up yesterday about the whole thing Denise and I hooking up with you and Peih-Gee to vote off Todd, what was my answer?
když jsi včera přišel s tou věcí, že Denise a já bychom se
připojili k tobě a Peigh-Gee, abychom vyloučili Todda, jaká byla
moje odpověď?
Erik: That you didn't know what you were going to do.
Erik: That you didn't know what you were going to do.
nevíš, co uděláš.
James: You lie! I said no, there are two of ya'll and five of us. Why would my dumb ass go with...why would I take that chance?
James: You lie! I said no, there are two of ya'll and five of us. Why would my dumb ass go with...why would I take that chance?
Řekl jsem ne, vy jste dva a nás je pět. Proč bych blbec šel s...
proč bych to riskoval?
Erik: Chill out, bro.
Erik: Chill out, bro.
James: I don't like people lying on me. For you to go around...
James: I don't like people lying on me. For you to go around...
rád, když mi lidé lžou. Pro tebe jít kolem...
Erik: I just asked you what you were gonna do.
Erik: I just asked you what you were gonna do.
jsem se tě zeptal, co uděláš.
James: No, you've been spreading around that I don't know, there's a "question in the air." (finger quotes) Then you gonna lie to me? Keep playing, boy, but don't say that no more.
James: No, you've been spreading around that I don't know, there's a "question in the air." (finger quotes) Then you gonna lie to me? Keep playing, boy, but don't say that no more.
ty jsi tady šířil, že nevím, že je tu "otazník." A
pak mi lžeš? Hraj dál, chlapče, ale tohle už víckrát
Erik: OK.
Erik: OK.
James (solo): The reason I went through my big performance with Erik, I was merely stopping him from starting mess. I just went over the fact that no, I'm not with Peih-Gee, and Erik, they're by theirselves, Todd, don't you worry about it, group, don't you worry about it, James is with ya'll.
James (solo): The reason I went through my big performance with Erik, I was merely stopping him from starting mess. I just went over the fact that no, I'm not with Peih-Gee, and Erik, they're by theirselves, Todd, don't you worry about it, group, don't you worry about it, James is with ya'll.
proč jsem prošel mým velkým vystoupením s Erikem bylo, že jsem
ho chtěl pouze zastavit od toho, aby tady vytvořil chaos. Prostě
jsem řekl, že ne, nejsem s Peih-Gee a Erikem, jsou tady sami za
sebe, Todde, neboj se, skupino, neboj se, James je s vámi se všemi.
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