and Peih-Gee discuss how difficult it is during Tribal Council to
write down the name of a tribemate they've become close to.
Transcript by James Barber: (text in blue is czech translation)
Frosti: The
dynamics of this group are really different than a usual Survivor
game. Like, it's not normal. (Peih-Gee laughs) I'm trying to do my
best to find my place cause I kind of mix with everyone.
této skupiny se opravdu liší od obvyklé hry Kdo přežije. Jako
je to normálně. Snažím se dělat, co můžu, abych našel své
místo tady, protože tak trochu vycházím s každým.
Peih-Gee: No, I know that.
Peih-Gee: No, I know that.
to vím.
Frosti: That's the only way I could do things, that's how things work.
Frosti: That's the only way I could do things, that's how things work.
je jediný způsob, jak to můžu dělat, takhle to
Peih-Gee: And that's the only way I knew, because obviously I don't have a ton of friends here. I can't play the game that way. It's crazy, because I never thought I'd be in a position where I feel like I have to vote for you tonight. I hate that, I really do. You're like my little brother, dude.
Peih-Gee: And that's the only way I knew, because obviously I don't have a ton of friends here. I can't play the game that way. It's crazy, because I never thought I'd be in a position where I feel like I have to vote for you tonight. I hate that, I really do. You're like my little brother, dude.
to je jediný způsob, o kterém jsem věděla, protože zřejmě
tady nemám spoustu přátel. Nehraju tu hru tímhle způsobem. Je to
bláznivé, protože bych si nikdy nepomyslela, že budu v pozici,
kde cítím, že musím dnes večer pro tebe hlasovat. Nenávidím
to, opravdu. Jsi jako můj malý bratr.
Frosti: You're like my mom. That's weird.
Frosti: You're like my mom. That's weird.
jako moje máma. To je zvláštní.
Peih-Gee: I know. I just felt like I had to tell you that.
Peih-Gee: I know. I just felt like I had to tell you that.
vím. Jen jsem cítila, že to musím říct.
Frosti (solo): I do feel really close to Peih-Gee, because she is my family and we have a lot in common. But everyone out here understands at some point or another, someone's name has to go on that list, and it may be family.
Frosti (solo): I do feel really close to Peih-Gee, because she is my family and we have a lot in common. But everyone out here understands at some point or another, someone's name has to go on that list, and it may be family.
se blízký s Peih-Gee, protože je moje rodina a máme spoustu
společného. Ale všichni tady rozumí, že v určitém bodě, něčí
jméno se musí napsat a to by mohla být rodina.
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