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Courtney starts out by saying she had no idea what she was getting into with this game. She only weighed 95 pounds coming into this thing. She thought she’d be out fast. And then, she was like, “no way!” I made the finals. Todd, Amanda, and she were like the mean, catty girls of the group. “Todd is the ultimate catty bitch of the group.” Courtney thinks Amanda and she will look better next to him. Courtney’s ruffled feathers and Amanda is quiet, but Todd was aggressively lying to everyone! He’s talked so much smack. Amanda and she come out smelling like roses compared to him. Even if Amanda actually steered things, Todd did the actual dirty work.
Courtney doesn’t know how it’s going to go down, but both she and Amanda think you can’t tell with the jury. Frosti might hold a grudge against Courtney. “Todd is an articulate little bugger.” Courtney thinks he’s her main competition. Amanda is nice, but too round-about. Todd has a different voice talking to one person than to a group. He’s been two-faced, whereas Courtney has never been anything except her own winsome, bitchy personality. She’s been that from day one. She’s surprised a lot of people – including herself – to make the finals here.
What Courtney says about herself is true, but her lack of Survivor knowledge shows in her assessment of a jury thinking it’s necessarily bad that Todd played the game and got people out. Juries tend to vote for the person they think played the game best. And, according to Courtney’s own words, she thinks that’s Todd.
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