Immunity on the line, Peih-Gee returns to camp with Tree Mail and
reads it to her tribe. What will it mean for Zhan Hu?
Transcript by James Barber: (text in blue is czech translation)
18; Peih-Gee opens the treemail, a box containing a few pieces of
Peih-Gee: Oh my God. Oh my God, a food challenge! It's like my favorite food ever.
Peih-Gee: Oh my God. Oh my God, a food challenge! It's like my favorite food ever.
Bože. Pane Bože, výzva s jídlem! To je jako moje oblíbené jídlo
PG (solo): When I opened treemail and saw the bamboo streamer, I knew it was food challenge. That already made me happy. I opened it up and I'm like, "Oh my God, they put one of my favorite snacks in there!" They might as well have put a cheeseburger in there. I'm psyched. I'm hungry anyway, we're all hungry. We're ready to eat. I don't even think of this as a challenge, I think of it as a reward.
PG (solo): When I opened treemail and saw the bamboo streamer, I knew it was food challenge. That already made me happy. I opened it up and I'm like, "Oh my God, they put one of my favorite snacks in there!" They might as well have put a cheeseburger in there. I'm psyched. I'm hungry anyway, we're all hungry. We're ready to eat. I don't even think of this as a challenge, I think of it as a reward.
jsem otevřela stromovou poštu a uviděla jsem bambusovou stuhu,
věděla jsem, že to bude výzva s jídlem. To mě učinilo
šťastnou. Otevřela jsem to a byla jsem jako, "Pane Bože, oni
tam dali jednu z mých oblíbených svačin!" Oni tam taky mohli
dát cheeseburger. Jsem nadšená. Stejně jsem hladová, všichni
jsme hladoví. Jsme připravení jíst. O tomhle nepřemýšlím ani
jako o výzvě, přemýšlím o tom jako o odměně.
(PG runs back to camp)
Jaime: What is it? Is it good?
(PG runs back to camp)
Jaime: What is it? Is it good?
je to? Je to dobré?
PG: We're having a buffet today!
PG: We're having a buffet today!
máme bufet!
Jaime: Like a bad food buffet?
Jaime: Like a bad food buffet?
špatný bufet s jídlem?
PG: Yes. (opens the basket to show Jaime the food) Food challenge.
PG: Yes. (opens the basket to show Jaime the food) Food challenge.
Výzva s jídlem.
Jaime: Yes! Hell yeah. What is that?
Jaime: Yes! Hell yeah. What is that?
Sakra jo. Co to je?
PG: Oh my God, it's one of my favorite foods ever. (Erik doesn't seem sure, but she says it is) Brazed duck feet.
PG: Oh my God, it's one of my favorite foods ever. (Erik doesn't seem sure, but she says it is) Brazed duck feet.
Bože, to je jedno z mých oblíbených jídel vůbec. Kachní nohy.
Jaime (holds a duck foot up to inspect): Oh! A duck foot!
Jaime (holds a duck foot up to inspect): Oh! A duck foot!
Kachní noha!
PG (reads the treemail):
Moldy rice, the occasional fish And dealing with this crazy weather If you swallow your pride, and a local dish You just might keep your tribe together
PG (reads the treemail):
Moldy rice, the occasional fish And dealing with this crazy weather If you swallow your pride, and a local dish You just might keep your tribe together
rýže, občasná ryba a potýkání se s tímto bláznivým počasím.
spolknete svou hrdost a místní jídlo, možná udržíte váš kmen
(Erik, Jaime, and PG enjoy the meal)
Jaime (chewing on the duck foot): I think James will eat anything.
(Erik, Jaime, and PG enjoy the meal)
Jaime (chewing on the duck foot): I think James will eat anything.
že James sní cokoliv.
PG: James will eat anything. I'm not even worried about James. I miss James.
PG: James will eat anything. I'm not even worried about James. I miss James.
sní cokoliv. O Jamese se ani nebojím. Chybí mi James.
PG (solo): We had faith in our old Zhan Hu members Sherea and Frosti, and we're sort of not getting a good feeling from them, so we're having to sort of rethink our strategy. Maybe it wasn't such a good thing after all. And I'm starting to get a good feeling from James now that we can trust him, so we wanna win the next few challenges to kind of cement having him over on our side.
PG (solo): We had faith in our old Zhan Hu members Sherea and Frosti, and we're sort of not getting a good feeling from them, so we're having to sort of rethink our strategy. Maybe it wasn't such a good thing after all. And I'm starting to get a good feeling from James now that we can trust him, so we wanna win the next few challenges to kind of cement having him over on our side.
jsme víru v naše staré členy Zhan Hu Shereu a Frostiho, ale nějak
z nich nemáme dobrý pocit, takže musíme poněkud přehodnotit
naši strategii. Možná nakonec nebyla až tak dobrá. A začínám
teď mít dobrý pocit z Jamese, že mu můžeme věřit, takže
chceme vyhrát příštích pár výzev, abychom si stmelili to, že
ho máme na naší straně.
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