tribe practices hurling meteor hammers for the upcoming immunity
challenge. Is Courtney worried about having to participate?
Transcript by James Barber: (text in blue is czech translation)
throws the meteor hammer, and a few of them cheer)
Courtney: So, Todd, show me how to do that. Let me get dressed. OK, I'm dressed. (laughs)
Courtney: So, Todd, show me how to do that. Let me get dressed. OK, I'm dressed. (laughs)
Todde, ukaž mi, jak se to dělá. Nech mě, abych se oblékla.
Dobrá, jsem oblečená.
(Courtney throws as Dave watches her while drying off)
Courtney (solo): Since I sat out the reward challenge that means I have to compete in the immunity challenge.
(Courtney throws as Dave watches her while drying off)
Courtney (solo): Since I sat out the reward challenge that means I have to compete in the immunity challenge.
jsem během výzvy o odměnu seděla, tak musím soutěžit ve výzvě
o imunitu.
(shot of Jean-Robert watching her throw, and he says, "Uh-oh")
Courtney (solo): I am practicing a lot, because what can you do? You're given a thing and you have to practice. You can't just go out there and (makes goofy noises as she spins her hand)
(shot of Jean-Robert watching her throw, and he says, "Uh-oh")
Courtney (solo): I am practicing a lot, because what can you do? You're given a thing and you have to practice. You can't just go out there and (makes goofy noises as she spins her hand)
cvičím, protože co můžete dělat? Dají vám tu věc a musíte
cvičit. Nemůžete tam jen jít a...
Todd: You were doing just fine, just swing it above your head and aim at something.
Todd: You were doing just fine, just swing it above your head and aim at something.
sis skvěle, jen tím houpej nad tvojí hlavou a zamiř na
(Courtney makes a bad throw)
Todd: Babydoll, that's your worst of them all.
(Courtney makes a bad throw)
Todd: Babydoll, that's your worst of them all.
byl nejhorší pokus.
Courtney (solo): I'm under no disillusion that I'm going to be the star of the team. (gives a thumbs up)
Courtney (solo): I'm under no disillusion that I'm going to be the star of the team. (gives a thumbs up)
v žádném rozčarování, že budu hvězda týmu.
(Courtney makes another throw)
Courtney (solo): I'll probably be eating my words, but maybe it is for little people today. Maybe it's like David and Goliath with a slingshot. Little Todd in his bandana looks really cut.
(Courtney makes another throw)
Courtney (solo): I'll probably be eating my words, but maybe it is for little people today. Maybe it's like David and Goliath with a slingshot. Little Todd in his bandana looks really cut.
budu jíst svá slova, ale možná to je dneska pro malé lidi. Možná
to je jako David a Goliáš s prakem. Malý Todd s jeho šátkem na
hlavě vypadá opravdu jak sekač.
(Courtney throws again)
Amanda: At least you keep hitting something.
(Courtney throws again)
Amanda: At least you keep hitting something.
něco trefuješ.
Todd: Yeah.
Todd: Yeah.
(Dave laughs)
(Dave laughs)
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