after having her torch extinguished, Ashley gives her final words.
Find out how she feels about being voted out and what she has learned
in her short time in China.
Transcript by James Barber (blue text is czech translation):
had this experience, I got to do some stuff that I never imagined I
would be doing. First of all, just coming to China in the first place
and getting to see all the sights and stuff and stay here was an
amazing experience. And then...gosh, just like being huddled off in
our little walkway in a monsoon thunderstorm in the same clothes I've
had on for five days. Things like that that are just crazy stories
I'll probably tell my grandchildren. That's the stuff I'll take home
from being here."
této zkušenosti jsem dělala věci, které bych si nikdy
nepomyslela, že budu dělat. Ze všeho nejdřív, prostě jenom
přijít do Číny a vidět všechny ty památky a ostatní věci a
zůstat tady byl úžasný zážitek. A potom... bože, tak jako se
choulit na našem malém chodníku v monzunové bouřce ve stejném
oblečení, které mám na sobě pět dní. Takovýhle věci jsou
prostě šílený historky, které nejspíš budou vyprávět mým
vnoučatům. To je to, co si odsud odnesu domů.
"I don't have any regrets at this moment, but I know I'm gonna feel it and feel like (grunts) I shoulda done this, I shoulda done that. I know it's gonna happen in a little while. That's just how I am. But I can't think of it right now."
"I don't have any regrets at this moment, but I know I'm gonna feel it and feel like (grunts) I shoulda done this, I shoulda done that. I know it's gonna happen in a little while. That's just how I am. But I can't think of it right now."
tuto chvíli nemám žádné výčitky, ale vím, že je budu cítit
a budu cítít jako, měla jsem udělat tohle, měla jsem udělat
tamto. Vím, že se to za chvíli stane. Taková prostě já jsem.
Ale právě teď na to nemůžu myslet.
"What I do in the real world is very physically tolling. This is very physically AND mentally tolling AND you have to get along with people who are physically and mentally being stressed out. It's harder in a way different aspect but it is hard. It's definitely a hard game to play, probably way harder than I thought it was. I loved the challenges, I could do those...that's what I miss. If I miss anything about Survivor it'll be the challenges, those were fun. I'm just bummed that I didn't get to stay and compete some more."
"What I do in the real world is very physically tolling. This is very physically AND mentally tolling AND you have to get along with people who are physically and mentally being stressed out. It's harder in a way different aspect but it is hard. It's definitely a hard game to play, probably way harder than I thought it was. I loved the challenges, I could do those...that's what I miss. If I miss anything about Survivor it'll be the challenges, those were fun. I'm just bummed that I didn't get to stay and compete some more."
dělám ve skutečném světě je velmi fyzické ?. Tohle je velmi
fyzické A psychické ? A musíte vycházet s lidmi, kteří jsou
fyzicky a psychicky vystresovaní. Je to těžší v jiném hledisku,
ale je to těžké. Je to rozhodně těžká hra, nejspíš mnohem
těžší, než jsem si myslela. Milovala jsem výzvy, mohla bych je
dělat pořád... to je to, co mi bude chybět. Jestli mi něco z Kdo
přežije bude chybět, tak to budou výzvy, ty byly zábava. Jsem
jen zklamaná, že jsem nezůstala a nesoupeřila o trochu
"I had a pretty good relationship with Erik, Jaime, and Sherea. I wish them all very well. I hope they all make it to the end. I hope one of them wins a million dollars, because they totally deserve it. One of those three. To everybody else, thank you and goodnight."
"I had a pretty good relationship with Erik, Jaime, and Sherea. I wish them all very well. I hope they all make it to the end. I hope one of them wins a million dollars, because they totally deserve it. One of those three. To everybody else, thank you and goodnight."
jsem docela dobrý vztah s Erikem, Jaime, a Sherea. Přeju jim všem,
ať si vedou velmi dobře. Doufám, že to dotáhnou až do konce.
Doufám, že jeden z nich vyhraje milion dolarů, protože si to
naprosto zaslouží. Jeden z těch tří. Všem ostatním, děkuji a
dobrou noc.
"Um...I think I got voted out because of a personal conflict with our leader, and at this moment in time - maybe it wouldn't be this way later on - everyone's really clinging to him, whether he's a good leader or not, just because they're at a loss and they want that kind of structure because it's foreign to them and it's only day six. I understand and I'm not made at them even because I can see how it happens, but I've said it in interviews, time and time again, that Dave is going to show them the reason he shouldn't be in control, and I guarantee you that I see him on the flip side sooner than he imagines."
"Um...I think I got voted out because of a personal conflict with our leader, and at this moment in time - maybe it wouldn't be this way later on - everyone's really clinging to him, whether he's a good leader or not, just because they're at a loss and they want that kind of structure because it's foreign to them and it's only day six. I understand and I'm not made at them even because I can see how it happens, but I've said it in interviews, time and time again, that Dave is going to show them the reason he shouldn't be in control, and I guarantee you that I see him on the flip side sooner than he imagines."
Myslím, že mě vyřadili kvůli mýmu konfliktu s naším vůdcem,
a v tuto chvíli – možná, že bych to takhle později neřekla –
všichni na něm opravdu lpí, ať už je dobrý vůdce nebo ne, jen
protože prohrávají a chtějí ten druh struktury, protože je jim
to neznámé a je teprve šestý den. Rozumím tomu a nejsem kvůli
tomu na ně naštvaná, i když vidím jak se to stane, ale už jsem
to řekla v rozhovorech, že Dave jim brzy dá důvod, aby ho jako
vůdce nechtěli a já vám garantuju, že ho na druhý straně
uvidím dřív, než by si představoval.
"Dave, if I had one word to describe him, it would be (blanked). You know, I'm going to change that. He'd be a tool, because that is the perfect word for him. He's a tool.
"Dave, if I had one word to describe him, it would be (blanked). You know, I'm going to change that. He'd be a tool, because that is the perfect word for him. He's a tool.
měla Dava popsat jedním slovem, tak by to bylo (mezera). Víte,
změním to. Je to prostě vocas, protože to je pro něj přesně
ten výraz. Je to vocas.
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